Sunday 21 April 2013



Friday 25 May 2012

Tips And Tricks To Save Money On Your Beauty Routine 3

Hello Everyone,

The last time i talked about making conditioner do double duty for you and using olive oil to your benefit. Today i bring you more tips to save you more money on your beauty routine.
The only reason it took time in coming is because i have to try it first and make sure it works before i introduce you to it.

Buy petroleum jelly(Vaseline)
Buy a big jar of  petroleum jelly. It can serve as clear lip gloss, lip balm, makeup remover, under-eye moisturizer, and foot and hand cream. A substitute for Vaseline will be locally made Shea butter(ori), now you know you don't have to worry about dry skin anymore.

Running low on lip gloss? You can get more lip gloss into your tube by using hot water. Put hot water in a mug and stand the lip gloss tube vertically in it for about half an hour. The heat will cause the gloss that's stuck on the side, or up on the top of the hole to "melt" down to the bottom. You should also let it cool down so it isn't really liquid when you use it. And if there isn't enough gloss in the tube, that your wand can't get it, pour it out into a little container to use for later.

Waste not, want not
Use up every bit of your cosmetics: Get the last smidgen of lipstick out of the tube with a lip brush. Revitalize a dried-out mascara tube with a few drops of hot water. Use a cotton swab to get into the crevices of little pots of eye cream or lip balm.

Keep a stash of washcloths in your refrigerator. Apply one to your face each morning to temporarily tighten pores, reduce swelling, and get rid of puffy eyes. You can achieve the same result by soaking the washcloth in cold water before use if you do not have a space in your refrigerator for them.

How are you going to save some cash with your beauty routine? Join the discussion.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Beauty Tips......Olive Oil & Coconut

Hi Everyone,

So today you will be learning how to make olive oil multitask for you and use coconut to moisurise your skin! yes i said it, keep reading....

  Use olive oil
Use olive oil for multiple uses: To condition hair, rub one tablespoon on scalp, wrap in a warm towel, and let it sit for 20 minutes before shampooing out. For silky skin, pour some into your bath water. To turn it into an exfoliant, just add some sugar.

Moisturize with coconut
Shred a fresh coconut and simmer it with an equal amount of water or milk until it's frothy. Strain it through cheesecloth and refrigerate. Skim off the cream that hardens on the top and rub it into your skin to moisturize.

I don't get much professional beauty services because i can sure cook it up in my kitchen.

How do you save money on your beauty routine? I am curiouse to hear what works for you.


Thursday 10 May 2012

Beauty Tips!! ...Save Money on Your Beauty Routine

Hi everyone,

As always i found some tricks that will help you save money on your beauty routines and thought i should share with you. You don't have to compromise your looks to economize, you just have to know a few tricks.

 Save on mascara
Buy expensive mascara just once; after it runs out, wash and save the brush. The main difference between mascaras is the wand, not the makeup. Apply new, cheaper mascara with the brush that comes with it, then use your old one to fluff and separate your lashes.

Make conditioner do double duty
Replace your shaving cream with dollar-store hair conditioner; it works every bit as well. Or use a brand made for men; they’re usually less expensive. Get an unscented one if you don’t want a “manly” fragrance.
How do you save money on your beauty routine? Leave your answers on the comment box, i will love to hear from you and maybe learn from you too.
Don't forget to follow this blog. Your support is mostly appreciated.

Sunday 6 May 2012


The Winners:

Simioluwa Osunsan
Tobi Banjoko
Ify Nzekwe
Oyedokun Esan
Christiana Krista Okah

Congratulations to the winners! Keep watching this space to see what happens next.

Subscribe to win beauty products.......... just click on the subscribe botton and you are done. Subscription is free!! what are you waiting for?

Friday 20 April 2012

BEAUTY At R-any Season

The rainy season is biting and am loving it. This season, you do not need much to make your skin look radiantly beautiful.

Cleanse, exfoliate and moisturise. Treat your skin right and you will be proud of the result. Include more fruits in your diet. use a serum with Vitamin C at night and watch your skin radiate during the day.

Do not be a couch potato, get up and flex those muscles, a little exercise and you will feel the difference.

I prefer to do my own manicures and pedicures, but if you really want to do it well, it’s a good idea to have a professional do it and then simply maintain it afterwards. 
Dare to wear colour on your toenails and a natural-looking polish on your fingernails.

Above all, learn to "DO IT YOURSELF".
Imagine getting all the beauty procedure you need in the comfort of your home all because you know exactly what to do - Guys, looking beautiful should not be difficult you just have to learn a few things and know how to do them.

SO PRACTISE is the word. whatever you learn here go ahead and practise and i assure you, it is only a matter of few practise.

SEE YA SOON..........

Thursday 15 March 2012


The best advice is from people who have been there and done that, so what better guidance to get than from people who have gone through the new graduate phase? For those fresh out of uni, read on for some great career advice from those who have walked in your shoes.

Time Is Ticking, Make Up Your Mind
Does this sound like you: " . . . I wish someone had told me to pick a career and pursue it, instead of 'there's plenty of time to decide'. Now I'm 32 and haven't figured it out yet . .! stop wasting precious time, start from somewhere.

Consider the Small Jobs
The small jobs are a great chance to learn some important work lessons and avoid embarrassing yourself at your eventual 'real' job!" It’s easier to change jobs now than it will be in five or ten years.

Use Recruiting agencies
It's basically getting people to help you with your job search, for free. Do not listen to anybody who wants you to pay to get you a job, unless you are negotiating percentage. Be wise! Besides you don't have the money anyways.

Learn a Skill on the Job
Take on a job or an internship that will teach you something useful. The key is to acquire skills that will be applicable, even if the pay is bad. By doing the entry-level jobs, you’re building skills necessary to move up. As you progress in your career, find things in each job to be passionate about.

Pick a Job That Interests You
Go for jobs that are really interesting to you, and preferably will get you doing something you're passionate about, not just that will pay your bills (though that is very important). Chances are, if you're passionate at it, you'll be good at it, and you'll rise up quickly in the company." If eventually you dont like the job you landed, do it like its the best job(make it your passion) because you never know who is watching.

Time is Money; treat your time as an investment.
It’s more important to invest your time wisely than to invest your money wisely.

 Avoid inflating Your lifestyle 
 It doesn’t have to be fancy. Whatever you choose to do, make it a goal to set aside 20% for saving and investing. This sounds like a lot, but if you can start the habit young, it’ll be easier. As your income increases, it’s tempting to increase your spending in proportion. The more you can resist this urge, the more successful you will be with money and will yield greater returns in the long run.

here you have it, see you when you start making the money. caio!
dont forget to leave a comment and share your input


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